Service: Discussion Guide
Reading 1: Serve Humbly (Philippians 2:1-11)
1. Any reflections or questions on Reading 1? What did you learn? Which verse was most significant?
2. What was death on a cross like? What is the insecurity in you that keeps you from Jesus humility?
Reading 2: Wash Feet (John 13:1-17)
3. Any reflections or questions on Reading 2? What did you learn? Which verse was most significant?
4. What would be similar to washing feet today? Who have you served in the last week?
Reading 3: Prioritise the Poor (Luke 4:16-30)
5. Any reflections or questions on Reading 3? What did you learn? Which verse was most significant?
6. Why did Jesus’ old neighbours get so cranky? Who do you know that fits into Jesus’ “poor”?
Reading 4: Use your Gifts (Romans 12:1-8)
7. Any reflections or questions on Reading 4? What did you learn? Which verse was most significant?
8. Can you think of any spiritual gifts that you might have? Explore this with your mentor.
Reading 5: Give Generously (2 Corinthians 9:6-15)
9. Any reflections or questions on Reading 5? What did you learn? Which verse was most significant?
10. What are the benefits of generous giving? How are you being generous?
11. Give yourself a rating out of 10 on your willingness to serve. What has God been saying in this reading?
12. How are you going spiritually and personally? What other things would you like to talk about?